
mongodb from

does not have the ssl option enabled.  

The version from EPEL with the option enabled is built with an incompatible version of pcre-devel from the amzn1 linux repo.  

This repo is nothing more than a rebuild of the epel  mongodb 
with the ssl option enabled for the x86_64 amazon linux AMI 
[Amazon Linux AMI 2013.09.2 - ami-bba18dd2 (64-bit)].

sudo mv /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo yum install mongodb-server mongodb python-pymongo python-pymongo-gridfs -y

sudo -s
cd /data
mkdir ssl
cd ssl
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out mongodb-cert.crt -keyout mongodb-cert.key
cat mongodb-cert.key mongodb-cert.crt > mongodb.pem
sed -i 's|/var/lib/mongodb|/data/db|g' /etc/mongodb.conf
echo "sslPEMKeyFile = /data/ssl/mongodb.pem" >> /etc/mongodb.conf 
echo "sslOnNormalPorts = true" >> /etc/mongodb.conf
echo "oplogSize = 10" >> /etc/mongodb.conf 
echo "directoryperdb=true" >> /etc/mongodb.conf
echo "" >> /etc/mongodb.conf
mkdir /data/db
chown mongodb /data/db
/etc/init.d/mongod start

mongo --ssl
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.6
connecting to: test

packages are not signed, use at your own risk... or just use mongodb's

db -  Dan Bauman